When our company first got started, we had a series of athletes including ninja warriors and rock climbers come to us with blistered hands and torn skin. As any lifter or climber knows, your hands and your grip are key to pulling weights and yourself. They would often hurt themselves during training, only to reopen and break their skin again during competition, when they needed their grip strength the most! They asked if we could figure out a solution to keep them competing and speed up the recovery process. In response, we created our proprietary salve that was developed specifically for this purpose by world renowned healer of over 30 world champions, Adam Ster (“MasterBodyworker”). After the success from this product we expanded the line to nano bath bombs and now able to offer our products to the world rather than just the elite.

FOUNDER/CEO: Adam Ster, Masterbodyworker & Alchemist

His intension is to heal the planet. A lofty goal, we know but if anyone can do it, it is our fearless leader. He loves to play outside and be in the mountains. Hiking, climbing, biking, anything that gets the blood pumping.

An avid Ninja Warrior, Climber, Obstacle Racer, Triathlete and a competitive athlete all his life. He knows a thing or two about how to push the potential of himself and his athletes. How to recover and what the human body needs to perform at its best, day in and day out.

Dubbed the “Mad Scientist” by his peers. Adam has developed all of our formulas from top to bottom. Tested them all extensively on himself and with his athletes to bring everyone only the best, most efficient, one of a kind experience.

You can learn the same mobility techniques Adam teaches all of his clients on his website: www.masterbodyworker.com